I am always left speechless whenever (and it has happened quite a number of times) a female- friend tells me that her husband or someone's else's has gone astray because - here it comes!- "the other woman" has been using black-magic.
I understand that other people in other places have different beliefs yet I can't help thinking that Sarawak could be heaven for cheating husbands, with their wife literally exonerating them while crucifying "the other woman".
Sarawakians, so I found out, are far from holding the monopoly in blaming their woos on the paranormal. A philipino friend once told me, and very seriously so, how his neighbour had married a "dwarf" (understand an etheral being, visible only to a few chosen people) who had given her no less than five children, a nice big house, an expensive car, designer clothes etc, etc. As it was, everybody in the neightborhood understood perfectly well that they would never see her husband because, heck, he was a "dwarf"! From what I read in the news, American men are not imune to the paranormal insinuating itself into their domestic life, like this Wisconsin man accused by his wife of punching her in the face and strangling her, who told the police: "A ghost did it". No kidding!